As you and your friends grow-up, become more independent and spend more time away from adults it is important for you to know what to do in an emergency. This may be the difference of life and death for someone your love and care about, you may even be the one to save an adult's life.
Find out more about First aid courses run by St Johns Ambulance.
What is the difference between a child and an adult for resuscitation?
All the guidance says the difference is puberty – please don’t check to see if someone has reached puberty no one needs that in the middle of an emergency. The reason they say puberty is because at puberty the way your body works changes and it is more likely you will have a problem with your heart as the main reason for needing resus whereas when you are younger it is more likely to be a problem with your breathing as the main reason for needing resus. The easiest way to decide is do what you think at the time – if they look like a child do the Child resus if they look like an adult do the Adult resus. If you’re not sure just do something as time is what matters and it’s important to start resus as soon as you have checked for danger and you know it’s safe for you.
Recovery positions
- St Johns Ambulance - How to put an adult in the recovery position
- St Johns Ambulance - How to put a baby in the recovery position
- St Johns Ambulance - How to put an child in the recovery position
Burns and scalds
- NHS - Burns and Scalds
- St Johns Ambulance - Minor burns and scalds in adults
- St Johns Ambulance - Minor burns and scalds in children
- St Johns Ambulance - Minor burns and scalds in babies
Stroke what it is and what to do