Two year health review
Your child will have been learning lots of new skills since their 1 year health review and you may be getting ready for them to start going to a nursery, child minder or pre-school if they aren’t already doing so.
The two year review is a chance for you to meet with your health visiting team to see how your child is developing in each of the Ages and Stages (ASQ) five developmental areas:
- Communication - talking
- Gross fine motor skills - movement
- Fine motor skills - hand skills
- Problem solving
- Social and Emotional - emotions, behaviour and play
This review is designed to help support your child to be ready for school and is an opportunity to pick up any concerns you have about your child's health and development. This will allow the health visiting team to ensure that if you or your child need any support from other services we can help you to access these. This is particularly important as you and your child prepare for them starting school.
Even if you don't have any concerns about your child's health and development it's important to have the two year review as we will assess your child’s health, development and growth and will also provide age related information for you and your child.
The health visiting team will also talk to you about early years education and how you can access the free 15 hours for two year olds if you and your family are eligible and the free 15 hours for 3 year olds for all families.
To book your child’s two year health review please contact your local health visiting team - contact details are available at - Find your local HV here.
If your child already attends an early years education setting they will have a progress assessment between two years and three years. This is separate to the Health Visiting two year review and looks at different areas of their development. This is based on observations while they are in nursery, preschool or with their childminder and it uses early learning goals. Your child will not be tested and this review helps your child’s early years education setting to best meet the needs of your child. It is important that your child has both reviews to get a holistic picture of how they are progressing.